י"ז шват ה'תשפ"ה

Теилим на английском языке

Realize the power of Tehillim - as though hearing it from Dovid Hamelech himself. 

Полная стоимость: 225 шек.
Стоимость по скидке: 159 шек.
Цена в долларах: 44 $

Код в каталоге Яхад: 64193

חדש חדש חדש 

Published by the 'World Wide Tehillim Club' we introduce the all-new Illustrated Family Tehillim. For the first time ever, each perek of Tehillim is prefaced by a short paragraph consisting of a core message, background information, and historical context. In the page margins, "tidbits" with a wide range of information appeal to many different interests. These add depth and personal meaning to the recital of Tehillim, imbuing the reader with the insights into the inspiration with which King David wrote the book. This Tehillim truly makes the reciting of Tehillim more meaningful for anyone using this volume.

The many original "functionality" features in this Tehillim, including icons showing the "usage" of specific chapters e.g. prayer for the sick, to give thanks etc, make the meaning behind each chapter clear. The selected operational information including customs, pronunciations, meaning of selected words, the clear and easy-to-read Hebrew font and the clear markings to help locate chapters and verses, portions for the day of the month and portions for the day of the week all add to the readers enjoyable experience. This project, fueled by Mendel Raksin, for whom this edition is named, takes these familiar words and chapter by chapter, gives over inspiring messages clarified in plain terms for children and adults alike.

The information is culled from intensive research by Leah Perl-Schollar from the vast sea of our Sages and Commentators explanations. Edited by Elky Langer, they shed light on these timeless and powerful prayers, and have been selected to inspire and make Tehillim relevant to our lives.

Adding to the enjoyable experience Tehillim can now be, each page of this beautiful volume comes alive with original artwork by celebrated Chassidic artist Michoel Muchnik, depicting many of the themes that David sings of in Tehillim.

This edition will elevate the recital of Tehillim and make the experience more meaningful for readers of every age. Make the recital of Tehillim a part of your family time and benefit from the abundance of blessings it is said to bring. Now available in a Jewish book store near you, or online a






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