ב' тишрей ה'תשפ"ה

תהלים – Tehillim Book of Psalms

Book of Psalms
With commentary from 
the Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah
classic commentators
and the Chasidic Masters
Большой формат
Твердая обложка
Страниц: 696

Полная стоимость: 350 шек.
Стоимость по скидке: 280 шек.
Цена в долларах: 77 $

English/Hebrew. For simple poetic genius, pathos, sweetness and heartfelt piety, King David's Book of Psalms is unique.
...songs of praise to the Creator, speaking of His greatness, goodness and mercy... power and justice...[they] reflect the full spectrum of life's experiences, both of the individual and of the Jewish nation collectively ... a boundless source of inspiration, courage and hope.

This is a staggering treasure house of commentary and insights, offering us a deeper appreciation for every letter and every word, anthologized from hundreds of commentators, classic to obscure, to bring newfound inspiration and meaning to daily, weekly and monthly recitations.
With an incisive Introduction, bibliography and index, original artwork, two-color printing and an elegant deluxe binding.


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